
  • Rick Stewart, Director, LTC Solution Center, Crump
  • Shawn Britt, CLU, CLTC, Director, Long Term Care Initiatives, Advanced Planning Consulting Group, Nationwide


The Washington Cares Fund was the first state mandated and publicly funded long term care (LTC) insurance program in the nation to be passed. Now we find other states looking to follow. Will these states create similar programs like Washington, or go in a different direction? And will other states allow residents who already own long term care insurance to opt out of the program?

 Please join us to learn more about potential answers to those questions as well as:

  • Why states find value in these programs.
  • What can be learned from Washington’s program?
  • What other states are considering a similar LTC mandate?
  • What are the federal LTC updates?
  • Why private LTC Insurance? Why now?
  • Nationwide¾how we can help!
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