- Bernie Casey, Annuity Wholesaler, Crump Life Insurance Services
- Jay Brown, Vice President of Relationship Management, Delaware Life Marketing, LLC
Annuity 101: What You Need to Know About Fixed Index Annuities
Jay Brown, Vice President of Relationship Management with Delaware Life, will provide an overview of Delaware Life’s position in the market as well as their suite of annuity products that address the issues and challenges of retirement and legacy planning. He will discuss effective positioning strategies for accumulation of wealth, income, and legacy planning, and will review crediting strategies to aid in diversification of client assets that potentially help boost account growth and increase income during retirement, while keeping clients’ assets guaranteed*.
Please join us and learn more about:
- How Delaware Life can help you diversify your clients’ retirement strategy
- Why you should consider FIAs for CD, safe money, and bond alternatives
- Why advisors should integrate FIAs into a managed money portfolio to protect against the impact of market volatility
*All guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the carrier.
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